Bluetooth Not Working On iPhone or iPad? 6 Ways To Fix It

Isaac Betancourt
4 min readJul 5, 2023
Bluetooth symbol
Image by José Miguel from Pixabay

Is your iPhone or iPad playing hard to connect? Are you experiencing the frustration of Bluetooth not working? Fear not, fellow tech troubleshooter! This informative guide will explore six delightful ways to fix Bluetooth issues on your beloved Apple devices. So, put on your problem-solving cap and let’s dive into the magical world of Bluetooth troubleshooting!

1. Check Basic Troubleshooting Steps

First things first, let’s cover the basics. It may sound obvious, but sometimes the most extraordinary solutions stem from the simplest actions.

Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your device. Swipe up or down to access the Control Center and tap the Bluetooth icon to make sure it’s toggled on. If it’s already on, let’s move on to the next step.

Toggle Bluetooth on

Ah, the classic restart! Restart both your device and the Bluetooth accessory you’re trying to connect with. This act often works wonders by clearing any temporary glitches that may be preventing a successful Bluetooth connection. While you’re at it, make sure your device and accessory are within range of each other. Sometimes, all they need is to be close enough to exchange their digital high-fives.

Now, let’s sprinkle a bit of software magic! Check if there’s a software update available for your device. Head over to Settings > General > Software Update and tap Download and Install if an update is available. The mystical wizards at Apple are constantly brewing up improvements, and an update might just be the spell your Bluetooth needs to start working its magic again.

2. Forget and Re-Pair the Bluetooth Device

Ah, the dance of the forgotten connection! Sometimes, rekindling the romance between your device and the Bluetooth accessory can work miracles. Begin by accessing the Bluetooth settings on your device. Once there, locate the troublesome Bluetooth accessory, tap its name, and select the Forget This Device option. It’s like wiping the slate clean, preparing for a fresh start.

Now, restart your device and the accessory, then initiate the pairing process from scratch.

3. Reset Network Settings

Time to reset the connection landscape! Navigate to the Settings app, select General, and embark on the quest to reset your network settings. Beware, brave troubleshooter, for this method will also erase your saved Wi-Fi networks. But fear not, you shall conquer this challenge with grace. Choose the Reset Network Settings option and confirm your decision.

Step 3: Reset Network Settings

Once the reset is complete, reconnect to your Wi-Fi networks and re-pair your Bluetooth devices. Think of it as a refreshing journey, akin to spring cleaning for your digital connections. Who knows, you might stumble upon hidden treasures of connectivity along the way!

4. Enable Airplane Mode and Restart

When all seems lost, sometimes the remedy lies in the realm of airplane mode. Swipe up from the bottom or down from the top (depending on your device) and toggle on Airplane Mode. This will temporarily disable all wireless connections, giving your device a moment of respite.

With Airplane Mode engaged, restart your device, letting it experience the tranquility of a few precious moments of solitude. Once it’s back in the land of the connected, disable Airplane Mode and watch in awe as your Bluetooth connection reawakens, ready to dance with the digital world once again.

5. Reset All Settings

A daring act of digital rebirth awaits! Should all else fail, it’s time to invoke the sacred power of resetting all settings. Remember, this method will wipe away your personalized device settings, but it’s a small sacrifice to mend the Bluetooth connection.

Journey to the mystical land of Settings and select General. There, you shall find the path to a fresh start, Reset. Choose the Reset All Settings option. As your device reconfigures itself, it charts a path to forming new Bluetooth connections.

Step 5: Reset All Settings

Re-pair your Bluetooth devices and let your tech troubles melt away like a forgotten snowflake in the summer sun.

6. Contact Apple Support

If all else fails, seek guidance from the wise sorcerers at Apple Support. Visit their support website or reach out to them directly, sharing your tale of Bluetooth woes. Provide them with detailed information about the issue and the steps you’ve taken so far. Remember, even the mightiest troubleshooters sometimes need a little help from the experts.


Congratulations, brave tech troubleshooter! You’ve journeyed through the realms of Bluetooth troubleshooting and emerged victorious. We’ve explored six simple methods to fix Bluetooth issues on your cherished iPhone or iPad.

Remember, while these solutions have worked wonders for many, some issues may require professional assistance. So, don’t hesitate to seek the aid of Apple Support should your Bluetooth adventure take an unexpected turn.

